The Microtek Greenburg Sector 86 Gurgaon Price, it ranges between Rs. 1.10 to Rs.2.35 crore with separate slave room. So, the users can spend their money in this expensive property and explore the best of facilities within a single residential group. This property is guarded with 24x7 security system, which makes it safe for you to come in the night too. Along with this, round-the-clock energy back-up in Microtek Greenburg Gurgaon will keep you using your television and other electronic facilities. And the most crucial thing is that it has been surrounded by lush green gardens to lend freshness to the premises.
Highlights of the Property:
· Air-conditioned apartments with spacious rooms and picturesque atmosphere
· Modular kitchen with sliding drawers to keep the things organized
· Laminated wooden flooring for the bedrooms and Italian marble flooring for living rooms
· Plus interiors and smartly designed exteriors for a classy appeal
· CCTV cameras installed in generic areas as a part of extensive security system
· Wi-Fi enabled towers making it easier for you to access internet
· Property segregated into 2, 3 and 4BHK flats with servant rooms and wide bathrooms
· Kid’s playing area, sports zone and clubhouse makes it a perfect place to enjoy weekends and evenings
Indeed, the very name of the project explicates that the residential unit is surrounded by emerald-green environment with qualitative amenities. Its architectural design has been a point of attraction because the design has managed to gain extensive attention. The project has been developed by well-experienced architects and designers making it a perfect option to invest.